Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Don't Try this at Home, Kids

Unless you follow me on Instagram you might wonder what the eff this picture is about. A plate of (sushi) rice with some dark liquid (?) underneath? Well, the mysterious liquid is in fact my new smartphone, a company Christmas gift I only received last Friday. On Monday night, it slipped into my (filled) bathtub. S*** happens. I love reading in the hot tub and like to keep my phone nearby. That night, I placed an opened magazine on the under-the-sink shelf unit, which is about the same height as my tub. The phone was on the magazine and I though to myself "Mental note. Must put it off the magazine, this is calling for trouble. Two minutes later, my little blonde goldfish brain had forgotten this and as I picked up the magazine, my phone slid into the water. Plop. It was a cartoon moment and seemed to happen in slow motion. I immediately reached in, picked it out and rushed to the kitchen to place it into a bowl filled with dry rice where I left it overnight. I am happy to report that it works. Phew. Good lesson to not even bring it into the bathroom next time...


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